Oh! Text Hooker Screenshots

A Classical Japanese PC Game (viper).

With "Oh! Text Hooker", change setting like this.

"Oh! Text Hooker" intercepts text and display in a edit box. You can copy this text and paste to another place.

Add jpkrcode.dll as a translation plugin.

You can see original Japanese text in the left window and partially changed Korean text in the right window. If you make a Japanese-Korean translator plugin for "Oh! Text Hooker", you can see translated Korean text just in time.

Japanese English translation ( Altavista babelfish ) service.

Japanese Korean translation ( netomo ) service.

After checking "Update original text". You can see partially changed Korean text in the Japanese game.

Japanese and partially changed Korean text.

Japanese Korean translation ( netomo ) service.

Japaanese English translation ( Altavista babelfish ) service.

Japanese game (trans) displays broken characters.

Change setting like this.

Correctly displayed Japanese text.

Simple dialog box message.

Uncheck "Don't change font size in the original text.

Select a little bigger font.

Dialog box message font is changed.

Another Japanese PC Game ( negapozi ).

Select jktrans.dll plugin, which will translate Japanese into Korean in the REAL TIME!

Realtime Japanese-Korean translator. WOW! It uses free web translator. Therefore, it will not work if the server is down or the connection is blocked. :-( If you can, please make a better translation plugin.
